Celebrate Mass with Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church, Brixton
364 Brixton Road SW9 0TH
Tel: 0207 274 2367 E-mail: brixton@rcaos.org.uk
Website: https://www.ourladyoftherosarybrixton.com
Served by the Missionary Society of St Paul
Fr Vincent Omokpakpo MSP (Parish Priest)
Fr Mark Odion MSP (Regional Superior)
Parish Secretary: Elizangela Lopes
Safeguarding Representative: Earline Hilda Castillo-Binger: 07845261540
Donate to Our Lady of the Rosary, Brixton
Please visit our online giving page by clicking here. While our church is only open for limited times, we need your support more than ever. Find out how you can help. https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/olrbrixton
Offertory Contributions: We welcome parishioners who wish to set up a Standing Order. Please use the details provided: Name of Bank: NatWest |Name: Catholic Church of Our Lady of the Rosary Brixton | Sort Code: 60-23-27| Account Number: 41453654.
Link for weekly collections:
Link for Church donations:
Important notices
Parish Programme
Parish Office: Mondays off, Tues. and Wed. 11am - 3pm, or by appointment
Sunday Masses: 6:30pm (Sat) 8am, 10am, 12noon & 5:30pm
Daily Masses: Monday – Saturday: 10am
Eucharistic Adoration: Monday – Saturday: 9am
Confession: 10:30am on Saturdays or by appointment
Baptism: 3rd Saturday of the Month at 12noon
Marriage: At least 6 months prior notice required
The schedule for Masses is 10am and 6.30pm on Saturdays and 8am, 10am, 12pm and 5.30pm on Sundays. During the weekdays, the Church will be opened for Adoration 8.30am and Mass holds at 10am.
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, your love for each of us is as gentle as a mother's care. You desire us to turn to you, seeking your maternal guidance. We entrust all our needs to your loving intercession before the throne of your Divine Son. Today, especially, we ask for your prayers that we, as a community, may grow together in true devotion to you, fostering love and unity among us.
Through Christ our Lord... Amen🙏
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary,
All: Pray for us.
St Paul, our patron,
All: Pray for us.
Lent: The Holy Season of Lent is an invitation to reflect on who we are in relation to God. It is also an invitation to pray fervently, help those in need and do penance to purge ourselves of sin which is a big obstacle to grace. Lent is not a period to postpone sin, it is rather an opportunity to confront all those actions that move us away from God and from reaching our full potentials as God’s children.
Flowers: There will be no flowers in the Church during the Lent period. All donations for flowers can be put into the box.
The Stations of the Cross: Offer the opportunity to meditate on the mysteries of our salvation and other spiritual programmes during Lent. Be open to the Spirit of renewal during the Lenten period. Stations of the Cross will take place from Tuesday 11th March at 10:30am immediately after Mass and from Wednesday 12th March at 7pm. All welcome and encouraged to attend. Booklets: Available at the parish repository to guide us during season. Please pick one.
Catechism: First Holy Communion: Penitential Service and Sacrament of Reconciliation for all children will hold on Saturday 15th March at 3:45pm.
Confirmation Year 2: Next session will hold on Saturday 15th March at 3:45pm. Please note, going forward all catechism classes will hold on Saturdays.
Confirmation Year 1: The catechism programme for confirmation year 1 is still on hold till further notice.
RCIA: Continues every Wednesday at 6:30pm in the Annunciation Room.
Rite of Election: We congratulate all the Catechumens and Candidates who were received yesterday at St. George’s Cathedral, Southwark by Archbishop John Wilson. Let us pray for them as they continue their journey of conversion.
Sacrament of Confirmation: The Episcopal Vicar Very Revd Canon Victor Darlington will be in our Parish on Sunday 13th July to confer the sacrament on our candidates at the 12noon Mass. Let us pray for them in their faith journey.
Parish Structure: We will be restructuring the Parish administration in this year 2025 to have all-inclusive representation. Fr Vincent will appreciate your opinions and suggestions for the different roles. Please see Fr in the office either on a Tuesday or Wednesday between 11am and 3pm or by appointment.
120 Years Anniversary Committee Members:
Fr Vincent Omokpakpo, MSP
Elizangela Lopes, Patricia Dafe
Raymond Enoh, Dr Gabriel Otukwu
Mick McDermott, Gladys Udeh
Rory Nally, Emmanuel Akuoko
Thomas Kusi-Adomako, John Green, Maria Santos
We pray for success and ask God to give us wisdom for a fruitful planning.
MSP Priests’ Retreat: The priests will be away for a retreat from Monday 24th to Friday 28th March. Please keep them in your prayers. There will be a supply priest to cover the weekday masses.
Thursday Prayer Meeting: We are all encouraged to come and pray every week Thursday at 7pm in the Hall. It begins with Bible reflection and intercessory prayers. Everyone is invited and welcome. Please attend and invite someone .
Safeguarding / Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS): All volunteers have been sent an online DBS application form. Please complete it as a matter of urgency and sent it off, if any issues, please contact the Parish office for more information.
The Catholic Nigerian Community Brixton: Invite all parishioners to their Monthly Meeting today Sunday 9th March after the 12noon Mass in the Parish Hall. New and current members are welcome.
Mass Booking: The Holy Mass is Our Lord’s perfect prayer, our greatest and most efficacious prayer. In offering it we unite ourselves and our intentions with the Lord in praise, in thanksgiving, and in petition. If you wish to have a Holy Mass offered for any intentions of yours, please contact the parish office or complete the brown Mass Intention envelope allocated at the back of the Church or give it to the priest. Kindly fill-in the required details INCLUDING YOUR PHONE NUMBER, while also indicating your prayer intention for the Mass. The diocese encourages a voluntary offering of £10 for each Mass intention.
Recently Deceased: We announce the death of Tina Ozegbe who died recently and pray for the repose of her soul and comfort of her sister Patricia Dafe and her family. The funeral details will be confirmed soon.
Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS): Please contact the Parish Safeguarding Representative Earline Hilda Castillo-Binger on 0784 526 1540 for more information.
New to the Parish: New parishioners’ registration form is at the back of the Church. Please fill and return to the priests/presbytery. We welcome you all.
Parish Hall Bookings: Please Contact: 0137 245 7651 or conor@lowcosthalls.co.uk.
Gift Aid Envelopes: Please collect yours in the parish office during opening hours, Tuesday and Wednesday 11am to 3pm, from Elizangela Lopes the Parish Secretary and Gift Aid Co-ordinator.
Parish Repository: Has a good selection of cards/diaries/calendars, sacramentals etc. Please visit and patronise the repository after Mass.
Marriage Papers/Preparation: All couples planning to get married in the UK or abroad are required to notify the Parish Priest at least 6 (Six) months before the date of the wedding. We will not undertake to process marriage papers that are less than this required time. It is advisable that couples demonstrate that they are active in the parish.
Mass Booking: Envelopes (brown) are available at the back of the Church. Parishioners are encouraged to book Masses in prayer and thanksgiving to God for their birthdays, anniversaries, the sick, remembrance and other intentions.
Gift Aid Envelopes: Are available, please collect yours in the office on Tuesday or Wednesday 11am to 3pm.
More in our Weekly Newsletters
Check out our Newsletter for news and updates
Decorum at Mass: Parishioners are reminded to SWITCH OFF or put their mobile phones in SILENCE before Mass and other liturgically activities.
Emergency Church Heating Installation: To prevent fire in the Church because our old heating system was rated that it could fail the risk assessment test, on credit we installed new climate control devices in the Church which are eco-friendly. They are regulated to suit the various seasonings we have and work as both air conditioner and heating system.
Estimated cost £16,352. Kindly donate to assist by giving your donation to Fr Vincent, do a cheque payable to “RCAOS Brixton” or make a BACS transfer using the bank details below. Also, envelopes are available at the back of the Church. Kindly donate to assist by giving your donation to Fr Vincent, do a cheque payable to “RCAS Brixton” or make a BACS transfer using the bank details below. Also, envelopes are available at the back of the Church. Donations received so far £4,103.11. Many thanks for your generosity. We really appreciate it. May God bless and reward you abundantly
Pray for the Sick: We remember all sick and housebound parishioners in our prayers. Fr Vincent is available to visit them. Please do contact the Parish office.
Tea and Coffee: Next session will hold next week Sunday 16th March immediately after the 12noon Mass in the Parish Hall. All are welcome. May God Bless you
New Sacristans Team: A very big thank you to all sacristans who have been serving Our Lady of the Rosary, Brixton Church all these years and for making our parish outstanding. It has been a huge pleasure and a great honour of collaboration and unification of efforts and talents. Thank you all. Going forward please note the new team: The Parish Priest is the Head/Chief Sacristan of the Parish.
Sunday: George Miranda and Raymond Enoh
Monday: Yodit Ogbazghi
Tuesday: Grace Amatta
Wednesday: Liliana Miranda
Thursday: Maureen Ikwueme
Friday: Josephine Ogwuobodo and Adiam Birhan
Saturday: George Miranda and Emmanuel Akaoku
We welcome the new members on board.
Children's Liturgy: Child friendly Gospel study. Teenage and adult volunteers needed - contact Fr Vincent.
Rediscover Your Marriage: Retrouvaille offers you the chance to rediscover yourself, your spouse, and a loving relationship in your marriage. 10s of 1000s headed for divorce have successfully saved their marriages by attending and using the tools provided. There is no group therapy or group work. For more information call or text: 078 8729 6983 or 079 7338 0443, or email retrouvailleukinfo@gmail.com or visit www.retrouvaille.org.uk.
Ghanaian Association: The Ghanaian Association in the Parish invite every Ghanaian to their meetings held every first Sunday of the month at 13:30pm in the parish hall. Please contact the secretary on 0795008233. You’re welcome.
Nigerian Community: Meet every second Sunday of the month after the 12noon Mass in the Hall. All registered and interested members are welcomed.
RCIA: All adults who are seeking to be in full communion with the Catholic Church and others who have been baptized but not confirmed should contact us for further information on 0207 2742 367 or e-mail the office: brixton@rcaos.org.uk.
Southwark Irish Pension Project: For the over 60’s. Join them at the Church Hall for a friendly game of bingo from 1pm to 3pm every Wednesday. Come and have a cordial time with other Seniors.
Hospital Chaplain: If you have any relatives in Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospital that needs to see a Catholic Priest or Chaplain, please refer them by email: chaplains@gstt.nhs.uk or jake.dicto@gstt.nhs.uk.
Come Home: Is an initiative currently being promoted by the Agency for Evangelisation and Catechesis which seeks to welcome people back to Church this Season and extend a warm invitation to those who wish to Come Home. Please pick a copy of The Ultimate Relationship and We Miss You cards for anyone you may wish to reach out to.
Eucharistic Adoration: Takes place from Monday to Saturday at 9am. You are all welcome for a quiet time of prayer.
Legion of Mary: Meet every Tuesday at 6:30pm in the Annunciation room. Those who are inspired to work and walk with the Blessed Virgin Mary are invited to join.
Is God calling you? If you have a calling to the Catholic priesthood or the Diaconate please contact the Vocations Director, Fr Paul Kyne on vocations@rcaos.org.uk
Card Reader and Donation QR Code: The parish has installed a card reader as alternative means of Weekly Offerings and General Donations at the back of the church. Also, we have the QR (Quick Response) code for Weekly offering and donation on the notice board. Thank you for your generous donations.
Welcome to Our Lady of the Rosary, Brixton
We welcome visitors to this beautiful website of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church Brixton. We welcome you to our beautiful 19th-century church designed by Arthur J. Phelps, as Brixton Independent Church, damaged in WW2 and reopened in 1953 as a Catholic Church.
This Church has had a long history of service to the local community here in Brixton and in the Archdiocese of Southwark. I find it a great honour to serve as Parish Priest of this historic parish.
Things visible and beautiful like the Church serves as great and amazing testimonies to our faith and to the great and extraordinary people who sacrificed so much over the years and centuries to build it up. But also things that are not quite visible like our faith history, remembering ordinary simple and unsung Catholics from all places including the founders, the Neo-catechumenate community, and parishioners who helped build St. Helen’s Catholic Primary School, Brixton.
We invite you to avail our parish of your great talents and gifts to help us deliver on our parish vision and goals. Find yourself a place in the many ministries and service areas in our Church.
I look forward to hearing from you, seeing you and talking to you.
New to our Parish? Please fill in a new parishioners’ form at the back of the Church and hand it into a member of the clergy.

Mass Times
There might be changes in opening times due to the pandemic | Click here for more information
6:30 pm (Saturday)
8:00 am
10:00 am
12:00 noon
5:30 pm
Daily Mass
10:00am (Mon to Sat)
Holy Day Mass
6:30 pm (Vigil)
10:00 am
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)
Saturday: 10:30am - 11:15am
Confession is also available on request, please call before coming to the presbytery.
Visit to the Sick / Home bound
Fridays before and after Mass
Monthly, 3rd Saturday : 12:00 noon
We care about Safeguarding
Our Lady of the Rosary Brixton recognises and upholds the dignity and rights of all children and vulnerable adults and is committed to ensuring their safety and well being. We invite anyone who may have concerns about safeguarding issues involving our members to make contact.
Please contact our Safeguarding Coordinator Hilda Castillo-Binger on 07845261540 or 02072611606