Help for the vulnerable
Lambeth council can provide help if you have an urgent need for food or medicine. Call their helpline on 020 7926 2999 every day from 8am to 8pm.
Southwark Irish Pensioners project is 020 7237 5841. Call them to be on their register for newsletter and help.
Connect Lambeth- If you are a vulnerable person, Connect Lambeth can help you with a food and medicines pick-up service, plus food bank vouchers.T 0333 360 3700 (Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm, or voicemail)
Here are some useful websites, please share with anyone who can benefit from this information. details of how to access help through the council. lists lots of organisations that provide food and other help locally.
We urge everyone to check in and telephone our elderly and vulnerable parishioners regularly.